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El Cabrit de Sant Esteve is folding history and unforgettable memories, such as professional and family clients and friends. Recalling with nostalgia that around the year 60 a lovable man with beret with a table, six chairs and all the enthusiasm, and covers part of garrotxa Emporda in search of the best kids to offer its first guests .

With the help of his two sons continue the family. Following the advice of family and working with perseverance and dedication as the main raw ingredient, often homegrown and quality, achieved a consolidated restaurant essence and character that anyone indifferent.

Currently a newly renovated restaurant with a third generation of chefs bringing innovation and freshness to our dishes, keeping the essence and wisdom of more than 50 years of experience.

Fes el teu menú a mida

Make your menu customized

Dissabte sopar ball

Saturday dancing dinner

Carrer Nou, 1, 17154 Sant Esteve de Llémena ( Girona)

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